燃 rán: to ignite / to light / to start (debate) / fig. to spark off (controversy, flames of revolution) / to trigger (re)action / to raise (hopes)
Empathy, solutions, transmission.
The booth is manned 24/7.

This site is mainly a digital scrapbook of more personal visual and editorial comment, less on commercial work.
My personal journey has led to some wonderful places. Understanding people is a core motivation, built on many influences and exposure to many different environments, both human and geographic. With a background in social science and creative communication, I’ve worn a lot of hats working across areas of research, editorial, design, education and propaganda.
I continue to build perspective and insight to global cultural trends, public psyche, values and expectations. Current focus includes purpose-led service development and engagement, visual journalism, areas of design research and design citizenship. In more personal terms I’m determined to keep testing myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally — this sometimes means finding out bones don’t heal as quickly as they once did, and that, while in some ways the world seems to grow darker, in others it grows brighter still.